Questions & Answers

1 Which mango varieties suitable for making mango chutney?
Any stringy varieties (such as turpentine) are better as they hold the texture of the chutney so it is not too runny.
2 What if I don't have stringy mango varieties?
If you don't have the stringy one, you can substitute for other variety such as KP (Kensington Pride) or Bowen.
3 What type of vinegar suitable for making chutney?
it's better to use the regular vinegar as it is not as acidic as the brown vinegar.
4 Can I add brown sugar in the chutney?
Avoid using brown sugar as it will make the chutney looks to dark in colour.
5 How long the chutney last for?
It will keep well for 12 months unrefrigerated. Note: once opened, refrigerate and use within 14 days